Our first-ever Venture Trip was by far amazing and worth the hype! Whether you couldn’t join us, or you were right there with us, keep reading to see (or relive) what a Venture Trip is all about.

There is definitely something to be said about being part of a community of people who share your love of travel. So you can only imagine the social connection that formed when we met, talked, and traveled together. In fact, what started as a shared passion quickly became a celebration of friends and family.
Notable Events

We kicked off the trip with a welcome party at the pub and had a blast getting to know (or know better) the attendees.
Next, we raised a toast at the Galerie Des Sens Dinner. And, trust us, this wasn’t just any meal, it was one for the books. Featuring 10 courses of coastal cuisine and local favorites, it was an immediate crowd-pleaser.
Before we could conclude our trip, we had one last party—a poker night—where the celebrations continued and we all felt like winners concluding a trip where we left with more friends, loads of fun, and the best memories!
School by the Pool

It’s hard to be surrounded by top leaders and not want to pick their brains! So we had working sessions with top leaders poolside—which is among the best ways to learn.

Along with our parties and too-many-to-count course meals, we had a blast filling our days beachside, poolside, and of course, serving, setting, and spiking to our heart’s content with friendly games of volleyball!
We Said Farewell

As all amazing trips do, this one ended before we were ready to come home. Which is why we are anxiously awaiting the announcement of our next trip. Because if the first trip was this good, you know the next will be just as unforgettable!